By 1990, I had ridden motorcycles through every state east of the Mississippi River, Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, and five Canadian provinces, but I wanted to do more. I wanted to explore the back roads across America, see the Isle of Man TT Races, examine everything that's foreign at a European Grand Prix, and experience the canopied forests, cascading streams, and towering mountains of Pennsylvania's state forests.
The links on the
Contents Page

will take you to descriptions of CDs and eBooks containing magazine articles and their accompanying photos that have appeared in American Road Racing, Backroads, Blue Ribbon Coalition Magazine, CC Motorcycle News, Cycle News, Motorcycle Times, Motorcyclist, PowerTech Quarterly, Rider, Sport Touring News, STAReview, Thumper News, Thunder Press, Turbo News, Trail Rider, Twistgrip, Winding Road Motorcycle Times, and the book Turbocharging, Supercharging, and Nitrous Oxide. Both dual sporting CDs contain roll charts, four other CDs are photo albums grouped by event or location, the remainder are compilations of magazine articles listed by title and all are there to assist you in your travels or your daydreams. These CDs are the fruits of a trial and error tree planted decades ago. The bad roads, the dead end trails, and the nasty places have been left out. What remains is a five-decade distillation of motorcycling in 38 American states, five Canadian provinces, five national forests, ten Pennsylvania state forests, and eight foreign countries. These CDs of published magazine articles with photos contain valuable information that will save you time and money and enable you to efficiently plan your own adventure while avoiding the mistakes I've made. Let each CD be a preview of your own adventures.

  Accident-Free Riding (Vol. I)

Accident-Free Riding (Vol. II)

Dual Sporting PA (GPS/Roll Charts)  

Dual Sporting Beyond PA (GPS/Roll Charts)

Dual Sporting PA/DS Beyond PA GPS Upgrades/Roll Charts)

Dual Sport Photos

Dual Sporters and Thumper Humpers

Motorcycling Lifestyle + Pennsylvania Motorcycle Meets

Motorcycle Shows & Clubs + American Motorcycle Museums & Collections

 Road Trips (Part I)

Road Trips(Parts III & IV)

Road Trip Photos  

Roads & Road Houses

The Turbo Chronicles


GPs & MotoGPs, England, Ireland, and the Isle of Man  

 GP Photos IOM Photos

About Backroad Bob    Contact Backroad Bob


Backroad Bob's Tee Shirt and Cap Gallery

Turbo Motorcycles International Owners Association

Motorcycle Sport Touring Association

Motorcycle Times



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